Internal Marketing Ideas That Are Great Promotions Anytime of the Year

  • Docs on the Dock: If you have a local restaurant on the water, host a Docs on the Dock dinner party for your referring offices and any office in the area that you would like to see more referrals from. This is a great networking opportunity and a way to show appreciation for the doctors & their teams.
  • Golf Tournament: Sponsor, host, or participate- get your teams involved
  • Post about people making a difference in your community on your social media and blogs; especially if it involves your patients or your team members
  • Specialty Office Tour: Gather referring offices. Host a theme party. Rent a bus to transport all participants between offices. Each office dresses up as a “theme” and has hors d’oeuvres and or beverages awaiting at each office. Take the bus and tour each office and enjoy apps and drinks. 
  • Hold a coffee shop takeover. Pay it forward by pre-purchasing a set $ amount of patron’s coffees over a 1-2 hour period. Order customized stickers, “compliments of ABC Dental” to be placed on the cups- coupled with a NP savings card. 
  • Reactivation Campaign– Texts and/or letters mailed/emailed to patients with unscheduled treatment 
  • Kids Day– coloring books, balloons, treat bags for the kids 
  • Participate in bridal expos, health fairs, county fair booths, business expos, etc. Contact your local convention centers, community centers, and Chamber of Commerce about these event opportunities 
  • Participate in community events and organizations such as Relay for Life, blood drives, United Way, etc. 
  • Distribute gift baskets to local businesses, physicians, real estate agents, etc. along with referral pads, practice brochures, flyers, coupons & other materials
  • Host an Invisalign event for all patients that have been treatment planned for Invisalign. Set a theme and decorate the office, order cookies or other treats and make it fun. 
  • Send birthday cards to your patients 
  • Call or text your patients after their larger procedure appointments to check on them- especially if they had a surgery or any type of sedative