Having a scheduling coordinator in a dental office can provide several benefits, contributing to the overall efficiency and success of the practice. Some of the key advantages include:

  1. Improved Patient Experience
    • Clear communication and organization in scheduling contribute to a positive patient experience.
  2. Optimized Appointment Workflow
    • A scheduling coordinator helps manage the appointment calendar, avoiding overbooking or gaps in the schedule.
    • Optimized scheduling reduces downtime for dental professionals and maximizes the use of available resources.
  3. Enhanced Staff Productivity
    • Dental practitioners can focus on providing quality care without the distraction of managing appointments and scheduling logistics.
    • Staff can work more efficiently when the schedule is well-organized, leading to increased productivity.
  4. Minimized No-Shows and Cancellations
    • Proactive scheduling coordinators can implement reminder systems to reduce the likelihood of patients forgetting or missing appointments.
    • The coordinator can also manage a cancellation list to fill any openings promptly, minimizing lost revenue.
  5. Effective Time Management
    • The scheduling coordinator can help prioritize appointments based on the urgency of cases and the time required for different procedures.
    • Efficient time management ensures that the dental office operates smoothly and appointments are adequately spaced.
  6. Increased Revenue and Practice Growth
    • An organized schedule and reduced downtime contribute to a seamless patient flow, ultimately leading to higher revenue.
    • A scheduling coordinator can help identify opportunities for practice growth by strategically planning appointments and accommodating new patients.
  7. Streamlined Communication
    • The coordinator serves as a central point of contact for appointment-related communication, streamlining interactions with patients and other staff members.
    • Clear communication ensures that everyone is on the same page regarding the schedule and any changes.
  8. Adaptability to Changes
    • A scheduling coordinator can quickly adapt to unexpected changes, such as emergencies or last-minute cancellations, to minimize disruptions in the schedule.
  9. Patient Retention
    • A positive and organized experience with scheduling can contribute to patient loyalty and retention.
    • Patients are more likely to return to a practice where they feel their time is valued, and appointments are handled efficiently.

In summary, a scheduling coordinator plays a crucial role in creating a well-organized, efficient, and patient-friendly environment in a dental office, leading to improved overall performance and success.

Role of a Hygiene Scheduling Coordinator

  • Manage and maintain hygiene schedules for all locations in alignment with practice goals
  • Fill openings in a timely manner: utilizing an ASAP/VIP list
  • Follow up with patients that need to be rescheduled
  • Maintain fewer than [X#] of open hygiene hours on a weekly basis for each location
  • Consistently pull and work ‘due’ and ‘overdue hygiene’ reports
  • Submit and follow up with hygiene dental claims
  • [when applicable] Present Hygiene treatment plans
  • Attend and contribute to morning huddles: Identifying areas of opportunity in the Hygiene schedule

Consider incentivizing this position based on the productivity of the hygiene schedules. KPI: number of open hygiene hours = less than x per week.

Ideas to staff the position include:

  • Dedicated team member to manage Hygiene schedules only
  • Dedicated team member to manage both Doctor and Hygiene schedules
  • Combine Hygiene Scheduling Coordinator with another position in the office
    • Billing + Hygiene Scheduling Coordinator
    • Insurance Specialist + Hygiene Scheduling Coordinator
    • Part-time Treatment Coordinator + Part-time Hyg Coord
    • Stay at home mom looking to work from home a few days/week while her kids are at school. Former Hygienists and anyone in customer service are great for this role