Providing patients with an online communication form such as Jotform allows for better conversion.

When a consumer knows they need specific dental treatment, they may be doing research to find their preferred dental office to establish care. Some consumers prefer to reach out electronically rather than calling the office directly, whether it be because they’re busy throughout their day, they don’t like speaking on the phone, or they’ve maybe got social anxiety.

When patients submit a request through a Jotform to receive information from the practice, it’s imperative to follow best practices in order to get that patient successfully scheduled. When we meet our patients on their communication level, conversion rates are influenced.

Setting Expectations

After Receiving the Jotform Request

When a patient submits the Jotform request through your website, it’s important to reach out to that patient as quickly as possible. Something as small as an email acknowledging the patient’s request and informing them of the next steps will help the patient feel valued. Here’s an example of what that email could look like:

“Thank you so much for reaching out regarding your interest in Invisalign. A member of our team will be reaching out to you within the business day to assist you further. Please expect a phone call from this number: 555-555-5555, or feel free to give us a call at your earliest convenience. We look forward to chatting with you soon!”

Automate this email response if possible.

Follow-Up Process

After receiving a Jotform request, it’s crucial to respond to patients as quickly as possible. When patients submit a request electronically, they typically hope to get a response within 5-10 minutes. If they don’t hear back from one office, most consumers will be on the search for another one who is able to respond quickly to their virtual inquiry. 

Here’s an example of a recommended follow-up cadence for team members to follow: 

  • Reach out to the patient within 5-10 minutes with the automated email above – prepare them with either an email or text for your upcoming phone call
  • Call, text, or email the patient every 2 days for the first week after receiving the request
  • Call, text, or email the patient twice a week during the second week
  • Call, text, or email the patient one time during the third week
  • Call, text, or email monthly and continue on a recurring basis until the patient asks to be removed from the calling list or schedules an appointment

A great question to consider asking your patients in your Jotform is if they have a preferred method of communication. When you ask a patient what their preference is, and follow it, it helps you to build rapport and meet them where they’re most comfortable. This is beneficial when attempting to schedule an appointment. By alternative communication types, you increase your success rate of actively communicating with the patient and getting them scheduled.

Example Communications for Follow Up:

“Hi, there! This is (your name) with (your dental practice) reaching out in regards to your request for more information regarding Invisalign. I’ll be reaching out to you via phone in just a few minutes, please expect a call from this number: 555-555-5555. I look forward to discussing your dental goals with you!”

“Hi again. This is (your name) with (dental practice). I see that you submitted a request for information regarding Invisalign last week. Did you find an office to help you with your dental goals? We’d love to get you scheduled for a consultation to come in and meet our team. Please give us a call at 555-555-5555 or email us at

“Hello (patient name), My name is (your name) and I’m with (dental practice). We haven’t connected yet and we’d love to help you achieve your dream smile! Are there any questions we can answer for you or can I help you get scheduled to come in and meet our amazing team? We look forward to hearing from you soon!”

“Hey (patient), it’s (your name) with (dental practice)! Dr. asked me to reach out to you and see if there’s anything holding you back in regards to getting your consultation scheduled? Are there any questions we can answer for you or anything we can do to assist?” 

When following up with potential new patients who’ve come in through an online form, be sure to add personal touches to the communication. It should be personal, thoughtful, and have the intention to start a conversation that can lead to a scheduled appointment. 

A lot of front office team members can be reluctant to call patients multiple times in fear of “bugging them”.  In reality, we live in a busy world and many people appreciate the persistence in following up with them. Most times, it takes on average 7-10 attempts before you can schedule an appointment.

Helpful Tips & Tricks

  • Ask the patient’s what their preferred method of communication is – and USE IT!
  • Assign a “Champion” for Jotforms.
    • This is one team member who is always monitoring Jotform requests. However, this does not mean they are the only ones. All team members should actively monitor and respond to patient inquiries.
  • Have a “HOT POTATO” mentality
    • Online leads move quickly, when that lead comes in think about the game Hot Potato. If you’re able, best practices are to respond to the patient within 5-10 minutes in order to establish a connection while the lead is “hot”.